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About PandaWhale

Once upon a time, there was a man who looked like a giant panda.

His name was Adam, but his friends called him "Panda". He had more friends than any other panda on the whole Internet -- science proved it!

Panda had a sidekick called Troutgirl who was a grumpy programmer.

One day they realized that the web had become a series of firehoses. Stuff goes by so quickly that within a short period it becomes impossible to find again!

They wanted to find a better way to save the gold nuggets from the rushing stream of content.

So with a few friends, they created PandaWhale! Check out the best of the web on our home page, and click the Stash buttons to save your own nuggets.

If you have questions about our name, site terminology, and tips for advanced users, try looking at our FAQ here.