Beyonce Derp Meme
Adam Rifkin stashed this in BRO!
Stashed in: Memes!, Fitspo, Awesome, One does not simply..., Photoshop, OMG!, Funny LOL Jokes, Avengers!, Why not Zoidberg?, Best of Imgur, Nicolas Cage, Beyonce!, Face Swap!, Suddenly..., @schwarzenegger, Steve Buscemi, @barrefaeli
Bro, do you even lift?
Thanks to Imgur, I think Beyonce Derp Meme will be huge. Thank you, Imgur!
Reminder: all images on this page link to the Web page where I found the image, so just click through if you want to know. Enjoy!
Update, 4pm: Thank you Bleacher Report for linking to this page! We love you!!
In the meantime, KEEP LIFTING, BEYONCE!
But DON'T JUICE. Less is more.
The best way to get rid of Oppa Gangnam Style is a light saber.
An elegant weapon for a civilized age...
Mo' Beyonce with light saber:
I bet after the concert, Beyonce is all, "I'm outtie..."
Don't leave without your light saber, Beyonce!
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11:13 AM Feb 07 2013