Swing fall mud gif: Well, I'll be seeing you in hell...
Adam Rifkin stashed this in gifs
Source: imgur.com
Stashed in: Memes!, Interconnectedness!, I see what you did there., PandaWhale Mentions, Stairway to Heaven!, Dafuq?, Boy, that escalated quickly., Falling!, Bill Murray, Fixitfixitfixit!, Best of Imgur, Comics!, Swing!, I've made a huge mistake., StickleyMan, Combined gifs
best use of this gif ever.
Thanks, Obama.
More: https://pandawhale.com/post/14944/thanks-obama-roof-jump-yoga-ball-fail-edition
Origin story:
Original thread:
Original gif:
Cropped and making the mud puddle much deeper:
And now "Portal to Hell" is a meme, and PandaWhale is citation 18:
Bigger made by StickleyMan:
Lots more in Reddit comments:
Continuing the story of the swinging girl who falls in the mud:
2:55 AM Dec 18 2012