I like it a lot. ~Jim Carrey, Dumb and Dumber
Adam Rifkin stashed this in High Quality gifs
Thank you DreamPhreak2 for making this gif.
Stashed in: gifs, Batman!, LIKE, Reaction GIFs!, @jimcarrey, About GIFs, EditingAndLayout, Dumb and Dumber
Thank you EditingAndLayout for making this "I love gifs" gif: https://i.imgur.com/GIBBM3u.gifv
Reddit comments:
Thank you detectiveriggsboson for making this gif.
Imgur comments: https://imgur.com/gallery/kOtChUO
Thank you Crankrune for making this gif.
Silly panda, Jim Carrey was the RIDDLER not the Joker!
11:18 AM Jan 19 2014