The Pebble SmartWatch: Break All the Kickstarter Records !!
A start-up called Pebble is breaking Kickstarter funding records with promises of a watch that can share information with an iPhone or Android-based device. As of Monday afternoon, more than 20,000 people had pledged upwards of $3 million toward the watch.
“Why couldn’t I just be able to look down at my wrist so I could make a better decision of ‘Do I want to pull out my phone?’” Migicovsky said in a telephone interview on Monday.
WANT !!!
The only question is WHICH OPTION TO BUY...
23,000 sold in 6 days.
Dammit Apple we want our Dick Tracy watches!!
How Peeble and other Kickstarter winners changed all the rules:
After being funded by YCombinator, no VC would fund Pebble.
So they raised $3.8 million from Kickstarter instead:
I just looked on Kickstarter.
They have now pre-sold $6.7 million worth of these watches, with 22 days remaining.
Pebble spent some of its $8 million in Kickstarter winnings on a 101 billboard.
53k Kickstarter backers can't be wrong.