Washington Post bought Digg's team but not assets?!
Any guesses who gets to buy the website, patents, and data? http://techcrunch.com/2012/04/30/washington-post-acqhires-digg/
Some guesses:
1. Google. Kevin Rose is there and could be reunited with Digg.
2. Facebook. To battle Yahoo with.
3. Yahoo. To battle Facebook with.
4. Delicious. Could make for an interesting roll up.
5. Reddit. On second thought, no way.
Anyone else wanna give an opinion?
Fwiw the CEO of Washington Post is on Facebook's board of directors: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13577_3-10121237-36.html
Washington Post has no comment: http://thenextweb.com/insider/2012/05/01/rumor-digg-to-be-acquired-by-the-washington-post/
Digg is looking for a buyer of the assets: http://allthingsd.com/20120430/diggs-tech-team-heads-for-the-washington-post-and-digg-looks-for-a-lifeline/