Facebook Notification Rage
Mother of God...
97 app notifications
I hate Zynga and Pincus the Stinkus.
Zynga accounted for $445 million (12%) of Facebook’s revenue in 2011.
No wonder Zynga seems to have favored nation status on FB, despite being such a schlockmeister game mill.
Kind of like those shitburger Spotify stories that you can't prevent from being published nor delete after the fact!
And kind of like how you have to be Instagram to get compelling photo stories in Open Graph app filters.
You have to be in with Zuck to get to the top on FB.
Facebook gave Zynga favored nation status a long time ago.
It's so bad that consumer watchdogs have complained: http://allfacebook.com/consumer-watchdog-facebook-credits-stifle-competition_b49010
Why would Zuckerberg let Pincus make demands of him? Pincus is an expert negotiator: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-12-11/pincus-faceoff-with-zuckerberg-shows-fearsome-prelude-to-zynga-s-ipo-tech.html
Is it a competitive advantage that Mark Pincus is an investor in Facebook? http://www.quora.com/Is-it-a-competitive-advantage-for-Zynga-that-Mark-Pincus-is-an-investor-in-Facebook
Bottom line? Pincus wants to know why people haven't thanked him for his contributions to humanity: http://pandawhale.com/convo/719/omgpop-engineer-refuses-to-join-zynga-calling-it-evil
People seem to forget that Facebook did not at any time make a "don't be evil" pledge....
This isn't about evil or not.
This is about having hundreds of preferences and settings but no ability to block notifications from all the apps from Zynga except 1 at a time and ONLY BY FIRST INSTALLING THEM.
It's not evil. It's annoying.
The good news is this rage comic got 18 upvotes and 2 comments on Reddit's allrages: http://www.reddit.com/r/allrages/comments/v60to/facebook_notification_rage/
The bad news is it got shot down from the F7U12 board. :(
Perhaps they had a problem with the panel of Pincus and Zuck in bed.
Let's celebrate by watching a video of the most awkward Zuckerberg moments: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-super-awkward-way-mark-zuckerberg-introduced-sheryl-sandberg-to-facebook-employees-2012-6
does anyone here on PW actually use/play Zynga? I have never. I prefer to play good games.
There's at least one ex-Zynga employee here.
And yes, I've "played" several of the games, mostly so I could understand why they're popular.
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