Harold and Kumar - Cockmeat Sandwich
You can always count on Urban Dictionary for lulz. Here are some entries for cockmeat sandwich:
It's a blowjob, but not just any typical blowjob. The main difference is that the blowjob is given by two people instead of just one. The two people acts like the two slices of bread while the reciever's cock is like the meat sandwiched between the two slices of bread. Thus, the name "cockmeat sandwich" and always involve at least 3 people.
a complementary snack usually offered by prison guards to inmates. this sandwich consists of a penis, two slices of brown wholemeal bread, and one leaf of lettuce, kindly prepared by the prison's guards themselves. if your lucky you could find extra mayo in your sandwich.
When a man named Lamar from the Bay Area puts his penis in a marinaid or sauce that is then used to flavor any type of meat. The resulting dish is extremely delicious and irrestable. It can not be recreated by anyone other than Lamar himself.
It doesn't have to be a sandwich.