Unrequited Love « Steve Blank
When you don’t charge for something people don’t value it
When your “partners” aren’t putting up proportional value it’s not a relationship
Cheerleading earlyvangelists are critical but ultimately you need to be in constant communication with people with authority (to sign checks, to do a deal, to commit resources, etc.)
Your reality distortion field may hinder your ability to realize that you’re the only one marching in the parade
If there’s only one passionate party in a deal it’s unrequited love
He is a great storyteller.
A bit disheartening when you realize your own startup is kind of a cheerleading early evangelist one.
Yes, that is a tad disheartening.
Also "when you don't charge for something people don't value it" really makes me wonder about Steve Blank's attitude toward sex.
Snap! That's a scary thought.
But I think you've hit on the fundamental weakness of Steve Blank and by extension lean methodology. Value is not synonymous with money. Makes understanding your value proposition and metrics more challenging if you have a 'feel good' value component.
That's true, in many services people pay with their time, attention, and/or goodness.
Value creation is about making something people want.