Meanwhile, Sisyphus Cat keeps pushing the watermelon...
Referring to: 35 Unexplainable Photos Of Cats
lmao How did this happen? I want to know!
I'm guessing photoshop but I still have not found a good origin story for this photo.
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We may never know. :(
Doesn't look like PS to me guys... (I moonlight as a photog :) ) .. but I could be wrong..
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Maybe the cat looks angry because it's actually in that lake?
maybe he's angry because someone put his giant watermelon in the lake ?
Good point, Louise. I'd be angry if someone put my watermelon in the lake, too.
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had I been drinking tea Adam, you would have made me spit it out :)
Angry Watermelons?
haha The Angry Birds watermelon boat is awesome!
I asked my artist friend about that photo. She said it isn't photoshopped... The mystery continues!
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He's the ultimate fruit ninja!!