Welcome to the Internet, my friend. Here are the rules.
Listen first.
Know your friends.
Nothing is private.
Stay on guard.
Don't feed the trolls.
- Create more than you consume.
Hat tip to @ginatrapani for planting this in my Google search for something else.
#6 is still a tricky one for us mortals...
#6 is tricky for everyone, even the creators, because there's so much to consume!
I see your Internet, and raise you an Internet.
Your Internet is missing bacon, nyan cat, sharks, and boobs.
Problem corrected.
I added these to the God of the Internet page.
Homer Simpson: Welcome to the Internet, my friend. How can I help you?
Comic Book Guy: I'm interested in upgrading my 28.8 kilobaud Internet connection to a 1.5 megabit fiber optic T1 line. Will you be able to provide an IP router that's compatible with my token-ring ethernet LAN configuration?
(Homer stares blankly for a few seconds.)
Homer Simpson: Can I have some money now?