Social media is not for the paranoid.
People used to FAN me. Now they just LIKE me.
People used to FRIEND me. Now they SUBSCRIBE to me.
And elsewhere I'm regularly being FOLLOW'd and CIRCLE'd.
Gud1 adam
Srsly though, if followers are love and subscribers are happiness then I'm going to quit everything and attempt to get as many followers and subscribers as possible...
Isn't that what the Buddha would do if he were a panda?
Rofl ;-)
Clearly SOME prophet is going to employ social media and the Internet to unite the world. The only question I have is which religion it will be. Scientology?
Holy carp, if you mention Scientology in a comment you get Disneyland ads in the Facebook sidebar.
Coincidence? I think not...
Well, then I have something to say to the world:
That is all. :)
I don't care what social media calls it, Adam - I will always be a fan of yours!
Aw.... hugs to you, Elaine!! :)
U forgot POKE - I don't wanna know what that evolves into
We need a social network with HUGS instead of POKES!
I am terrified.
Adena, did they remove the "Add Friend" button for you two? I guess when two people are subscribed to each other that's considered Friendship by Facebook?
I was able to request your friendship. I just did. Let me know if you actually get the request.
Nope. Nothing. Egads, I think even Facebook doesn't know what it has built now! :)
haha, there was a button on your profile page where i could request you to be my friend... i pressed it... it says friend request sent...
or maybe i made it so random people couldn't friend request me in my settings but that shouldn't effect me friend requesting you
Cool. Maybe I just need to wait until it works its way through Facebook's massive server farm...
It took about 10 minutes but your request came through, Adena. And I think I was able to accept it, too.
At the risk of making the snake eat its own tail, I posted this convo to ...
Followers are love, subscribers are happiness. If you weren't here, you may realize what's really happening in the world, and then you'd be a sad panda. It's double-plus good to CONSUME, BUY, OBEY.
Buddha would see social media as infinite emptiness, a want that can never be filled, and avoid it.
Unfortunately hate is far easier to spread with social media, as it encourages people to isolate themselves with people they already agree with. Social media is many things, but uniting is not one of them. It's like the Fox News hate machine on steroids.
@ifindkarma really good one tonight at 8pm
PST @ChasFleischer
I know this will be really confusing to the regular users, but what we did here was automatically import this convo from a Facebook convo. Two way syndication, baby!
It's aliiiiiiive! Aliiiiiive!!!