Diverse teams do better.
In the middle of Eric Ries's rant on meritocracy ... http://techcrunch.com/2011/11/19/racism-and-meritocracy/
Eric has a link that says diverse teams outperform homogeneous teams. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/08/science/08conv.html
I believe this and still wonder why so few teams I see are diverse. Are we naturally inclined to be with people like ourselves or are startups themselves monoculture?
Who is "we" in this sentence? If you're talking about hiring managers, the problem is that we can only build teams with the Legos we have... and let's face it, the people who apply to startups are basically all the same kind of Lego.
Actually, I buy that argument. Anyone who wants to be in a startup is a Lego, so we're already a homogeneous bunch compared with the rest of the planet, regardless of the color of our Legos.
I still do wonder who WE is.