"There was no 1% or 99% – just 100%." ~@HunterWalk on #BlackoutSOPA
I'm inspired by Hunter Walk's article, The Future of Online Activism.
Main lessons from his #BlackoutSOPA campaign:
1. Treat it like a startup. Ship new features regularly. Be prepared for offers of help from others.
2. Start with people you know. Grow with people you don't know. Line up some non-tech influencers earlier and let them be champions of their segments.
3. You can change the world by changing avatars. Once people are engaged, give them a way to convert avatars to actions.
All in all, well done, and we succeeded in saving the LOLcats.
I expect more activism of this sort in the future. #OccupyTwitter, anyone ?
Social media is not a revolution. It's a tool for revolutionaries: http://readwriteweb.com/archives/harnessing_web_fury_sopa_kony2012_and_stephencolbe.php