Adventure Time’s comical take on fantasy roleplaying retains the cartoon’s special silliness (preview) | VentureBeat
Cartoon Network’s Emmy-nominated animated series follows a young human boy, Finn, and his shape-shifting brother, Jake (who happens to be a dog), as they both try to rid the world of evil. Thanks to developer WayForward Technologies and D3Publisher, Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why’d you steal our garbage?!! — a ridiculously long name that I both love and despise — continues Jake’s and Finn’s comical romp through the Land of Ooo on the Nintendo DS and 3DS later this year.
If you haven’t laughed at Lumpy Space Princess and her valley girl tantrums, stared at the TV in confusion whenever the Korean-speaking Lady Rainicorn shows up, or cringed at just how creepy the Ice King can be, don’t worry. Though the game contains a ton of references to the show, it’s also designed to lure in those who might be unfamiliar with the source material.