15 foods you can regrow from scraps! - PandaWhale
Sandy, I think so too! Thanks for stashing.
did we just go meta?
Yes. Which is fun.
I haven't done a good job explaining the difference between the orange stash button on the right, versus the "stash it" browser button.
They do different things. I should make a tutorial. :)
A tutorial would be nice. I just stumbled on to this site. I wanted to keep the information about using scraps to grow back vegetables, but I really have no idea how this all works. It looks interesting though.
Thank you Sandy!
I wrote a few notes here: http://pandawhale.com/convo/3000
But that's not really a tutorial, so I will put that on my "to do" list.
In the meantime if you have any questions, please ask.
hrm.. if you need a tutorial, then your UX might need a bit of a rethink & tweak.. maybe have different terms between stash and stash?
We used to call them stash and restash, and we might need to bring that back.
People know what reblogs and repins are, so we might just use one of those terms instead.
Will think about it.