The most retweeted tweet of all time:
I was looking at favstar's list of all-time top most favorited tweets.
Number one is Red Bull @SpaceJumping daredevil Felix Baumgartner, who tweeted,
Never be afraid.
12k favs, 28k retweets, No fear.
Btw the #2 of all time according to favstar is Toy Story's Woody tweeting on the toilet. Meh.
Awesome growth hack: Do something that's never been done before.
Once again, Red Bull demonstrates how savvy they are at marketing.
Well played, sirs.
See also: Felix Baumgartner freefall gifs.
Compare with the most popular Tumblr post of all time.
The most retweeted tweet spreads courage, whereas the most reblogged tumblr post spreads dislike.
Courage is hope. Twitter is hope for the future...? Facebook is nostalgia for the past.
Redbull are brilliant marketers.
Red Bull really is brilliant. They sponsor events that naturally have buzz.
Double props.
One for me, one for Tumblr?
Ha ha yes.
I knew that Bieber had to be the most retweeted w/o even looking:
Thanks for finding that, the tweet at the start of this page is the most FAVORITED tweet of all time, NOT the most retweeted.
So Bieber tweeting "I'm sexy and I know it" being the most retweeted tweet ever demonstrates that Twitter is a shallow, superficial platform. Other top ten moments include Instagram and Dropbox tweeting something clever and something promotional, and Adam Levine wondering why to call her Maybe when Carly is a beautiful name.
The hilarious thing is that each of those "Instagram" accounts are actually Instagram parody accounts.
Dropbox, I think, doesn't appear to have a weakness moving into the next five years; they generate $250m revenue (reported) in 2011, they have 60m users (reported), and they continue to come up with clever growth hacks/marketing techniques. Just look at the college "space race." Google Drive, in my opinion, was 5 years too late to offer true competition.
The Instagram parody accounts are funny but they get old fast.
Dropbox's weakness if it happens likely comes from one of three areas: pricing pressure, security problems, or something damages their brand.
I don't foresee 1 being a problem; 2 is indeterminable, and #3 I highly doubt it.
Therefore #2 is most likely, in my opinion although technically #2 would cause #3.
The more files are in Dropbox, the more incentive hackers have to hack it.
Google "Dropbox Security Issues". They've had issues in the past and this has damaged their brand to some. While they have persevered it clearly is a high-risk in this field.
Fantastic, but when jumping out of a flying object from outer space, I'm going to go with "Be very, very afraid."
It also shows how brilliant marketing can convince people of something that is not true; technically he did not jump from "outer" space or space at all really, but the brilliant RedBull marketing has convinced everyone that he was jumping from space.
A 23-mile free fall is as close to a space jump as humans have come.
1. I'm still not jumping from 23 miles. Heck, I won't even run 23 miles on flat ground. That's why I bought a car. (10 miles, okay..23, nope)
2. Red Bull is brilliant. Too bad I can't pronounce the first half of the ingredients, and if I drink them the second half will kill me. I'm going to stick with the "way too much coffee" approach.
3. Yes, Regina, everyone's trying to coin the next viral headline:) I'm going to stop my hobby of trying to get involved in the back of everyone's family pictures at public locations and see how many viral headlines I can coin in a calendar year.
See also: The most popular tweet of all time...