Back to Basics for Google
Though their project glass is a new direction. I don't think they got their inside maps UI right.
And what's this about Apple and Microsoft making an open version of Google Maps?
In the meantime, here's my reaction to Larry's 3459 words.
Is Apple Maps now using the open version of Google Maps?
Given that a) I can't find local schools or landmarks with it and need to use the Google maps app instead, b) Nicaragua invaded Costa Rica just for the hell of it, c) the data sets don't line up at all, I'm going to have to guess no.
Inside maps, however, are pretty cool, but having to translate between 3d work to a 2d representation isn't a natural skill at all. I remember the photographs and tribes story in Africa, the tribes didn't have any idea what they were looking at when looking at the flat picture of their village and villagers.
Given that, Apple Maps will probably be good in a year and awesome in 2 years.