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What makes a good engineering culture? Answer from @edmondlau, via @ericries...

Must-read: What makes a good engineering culture? Answer from @edmondlau.
2:04 PM May 16 2012

Stashed in: MiscTech, X all the Y !!!, Culture, Engineers!, Quora!, Fight Club, Life Automation

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Edmond Lau is a Quora Engineer who wrote a long Quora answer about what makes for a good engineering culture.

He talks about the things he learned at Google, Ooyala, and Quora.

Here's his full answer and here's my tl;dr :

  1. Iterate quickly.

  2. Automate relentlessly.

  3. Abstract properly.

  4. Code review rigorously.

  5. Treat co-workers respectfully.

  6. Share ownership of code.

  7. Spend time to automate testing.

  8. Give 20% time.

  9. Encourage learning and continuous improvement.

  10. "Hire the best."

Thought provoking. Thank you @ericries for tweeting this!

I like how #2 is "automate ALL the things!" and #7 is "automate the testing!"


Automation is important, that's why he says it twice.

It's like the first and second rules of Fight Club.

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