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Jennifer Lawrence Oscar 2013

Stashed in: Celebrities, Hollywood, ladies of PW

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After the Oscars, one of the photographers said "don't trip" to her.

Because she tripped on the way to give her Best Actress acceptance speech.

Her response was to give the photographer the bird.

Jennifer Lawrence middle finger oscars 2013


Jennifer Lawrence flipping the bird

Another angle...

Fridays Will Never Be The Same Again.


It's a better strategy to be demure.

Best (and most beautiful) actress! - Randier the Reindeer

And... just smile.

Cierra Jacques - So happy she won! #jenniferlawrence #stunning...

I appreciate this page being mentioned in the comments here:

Thank you Imgur!

Thank you Imgurians!

Now, back to Jennifer Lawrence Oscar 2013...


"I fell in Dior ..."

boney macaroni., â¦Basically. #dior #hautecouture #oscars...

More Jennifer Lawrence falling:

Welcome to the Dark Side

there's a time and a place to die, this ain't it


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Jennifer Lawrence. - Imgur

I don't know how people make these so quickly, but here is Jennifer at the Oscars - Imgur

I don't know how people make these so quickly, but here is Jennifer at the Oscars - Imgur

I don't know how people make these so quickly, but here is Jennifer at the Oscars - Imgur

I don't know how people make these so quickly, but here is Jennifer at the Oscars - Imgur

Oh, Jennifer <3 - Imgur  Oh, Jennifer <3 - Imgur

Oh, Jennifer <3 - Imgur  Oh, Jennifer <3 - Imgur

Oh, Jennifer <3 - Imgur  Oh, Jennifer <3 - Imgur

Jennifer Lawrence has a great sense of humor.

It's Oscar night! Time for some Jennifer Lawrence perfection. - Imgur

It's Oscar night! Time for some Jennifer Lawrence perfection. - Imgur

More on the context of this:

And her Silver Linings Playbook performance really was excellent.

Jennifer Lawrence dancing Silver Linings Playbook gif


Why do people love Jennifer Lawrence but not Anne Hathaway?

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