The $99 offline Khan Academy server, using a Raspberry Pi
C Frank0 stashed this in Raspberry Pi
Stashed in: History of Tech!, education
Since most schools in Bhutan do not have access to the Internet, or the access is painfully slow, viewing online lectures is usually impossible. Today, however, with unbelievably-cheap computing power, and thanks to projects such as KA-Lite (Khan Academy Offline), it is possible to avail the power of Khan Academy to any school in Bhutan.
One of Khan's thousands of videos,served offlineWe recently built a $99 Khan Academy wireless (and wired) server using a Raspberry Pi. The prototype server can serve more than 50 GB of Khan Academy content, and anyone with a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone can connect to the server and watch the videos. In a school environment, such a server can also be used by teachers to track the progress of students
Kind of an amazing moment in the history of technology, actually.
6:08 PM May 02 2013