Dear Mr. Watterson trailer: Calvin and Hobbes documentary coming soon. Dis Gun B Gud!
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The documentary also touches on Watterson’s stubborn and admirable refusal to concede the comic’s rights, a defiance that now seems a key part of the strip’s legacy. Almost no Calvin and Hobbes merchandise exists outside the book collections. (One exception: the increasingly rare and sought after Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes textbook.) Watterson himself ended the strip partly due to his frustration with the artistic compromises syndication imposed.
Calvin and Hobbes was initially viewed as too literate for kids and too fantastical for adults, but instead the strip’s subtle riffs on loneliness, friendship, and adolescence bridged the gap between the two. It’s unclear if Dear Mr. Watterson will delve into Watterson’s complex artistic ambitions or stick with praise for his obvious achievements. Either way, it’s probably a must-see for diehards. It’s scheduled to arrive in theaters Nov. 15.
[The textbook is currently for sale at $20,400 :) ]
11:31 AM Jul 17 2013