I fuckin' need to be the bad guy in this movie. ~Penn Jillette in Director's Cut
Adam Rifkin stashed this in @adamrifkin
Stashed in: Reddit!, Awesome, Film, High Quality gifs, elfa82, @pennjillette
Penn Jillette did a Reddit AMA on October 18, 2013 to talk about the movie and other stuff:
Penn and Adam are crowdfunding the film, and you can help them: https://fundanything.com/penn
Wait, there's another Adam Rifkin? Mind. Blown. I was confused when you referred to Adam in the third person...
Yes, he is my brother from another mother! More about him on Wikipedia and IMDB:
There's still 24 hours left to help crowdfund this movie: https://fundanything.com/penn
I'm so very very confused... I actually needed to go to our Adam Rifkin's LinkedIn page to make sure he wasn't directing horror movies as well...
Heh heh, I am not directing horror movies.
And there's a story about "panther" Adam Rifkin and "panda" Adam Rifkin in chapter 8 of Adam Grant's book Give and Take.
You can find Hollywood Adam Rifkin on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AdamRifkin
3:37 PM Nov 14 2013