Kickstarter gives game developers control over their destinies | VentureBeat
Ottway Ducard stashed this in VC
Stashed in: Kickstarter, games
For now, Kickstarter is proving to be a validation tool for game developers for when they approach venture capitalists for a more sizable sum. Paul Trowe, the chief executive of Replay Games (featured on the couch, left), leveraged his Kickstarter page as a proof-point for their business model. “I took a printout out of the positive comments,” he said. “Boom! Here’s our market validation.”
As crowdfunding enters a gold rush era, the panelists discussed what could go wrong. The most poignant feedback was for gamers not to underestimate the amount of work and stress it takes to produce a successful game.
“Games projects have a tendency to underperform,” Schafer cautioned. He said the abundance of games on Kickstarter means it’s no longer a news event to have raised funds on the platform.
Another piece of advice echoed by the four panelists is not to ask for anything less than is required to produce a top-notch game, even if it exceeds half a million dollars.
Not just video game developers, but video game console developers, too.
4:03 PM Jul 11 2012