Fear of a Black Santa ... in Chocolate!
Rohit Khare stashed this in Food
Stashed in: Chocolate!, Christmas, Calories!
S#&t just got real for Megyn Kelly.
"Award-winning Pastry Chef Mahesh Weerasinghe stands with his hand-sculptured, chocolate art at the Hilton Americas, Monday, Dec. 16, 2013, in downtown Houston. Chef Mahesh, along with the culinary and property operations teams, created a 1,000-pound Santa in his chair, accompanied by his elves and a wagon full of toys, all made from dark chocolate.
1000 pounds of chocolate. That's 2.3 million calories, since:
Candies, sweet chocolate 1 oz (28.4 g) 143.4 calories
1 oz 143.4 x 16 oz/pound = 2295 cal per pound
There are 3500 calories in a pound of fat, or 17,500 in 5 pounds of fat. You would have to eat 7.6 pounds of chocolate to gain 5 pounds. The remaining 2.6 pounds would pass through as waste.
Source of that analysis: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090224053859AAib3lS
3:39 PM Dec 19 2013