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Neil DeGrasse Tyson Cosmos science wrecking ball gif

Neil DeGrasse Tyson boop science gif Imgur Cosmos wrecking ball so why didnt I flinch because the laws of science differ fundamentally from those

Imgur comments:

"I wanted to show you that I believe in what I'm going to teach you 

over the next two years." ~Richard Feynman doing the same stunt.

Neil Tyson clip from Cosmos S1E6: "Deeper, Deeper, Deeper Still"

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Stashed in: Science!, gifs, Anime!, @mileycyrus, Richard Feynman

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Then Imgurian LedaMonsterBunny made this:

Neil DeGrasse Tyson boop science gif Imgur Cosmos wrecking ball so why didnt I flinch because the laws of science differ fundamentally from those NOT ALWAYS

As a video:

Then Imgurian  IAmNicolasCage made this:

Neil DeGrasse Tyson boop laws of science gif Imgur Ben Obi Wan Kenobi Cosmos wrecking ball so why didnt I flinch because the laws of science differ fundamentally from those

The inevitable Miley Cyrus version:

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Miley Cyrus wrecking ball gif Imgur Cosmos laws of science


Neil DeGrasse Tyson boop laws of science gif Imgur Miley Cyrus Cosmos wrecking ball so why didnt I flinch because the laws of science differ fundamentally from those

aww yiss motha fuckin science gif Imgur robot dog boston dynamics

The science of boop.

BOOP yay RWBY gif Imgur cute anime science of boop

archer boop gif Imgur

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