Reddit grows from 25 to 50 subreddits.
Adam Rifkin stashed this in Reddit!
Stashed in: Reddit, Seals, Anchorman!, preggit
To save this post, select a stash from drop-down menu or type in a new one:
Here are the new default 50:
/r/announcements /r/Art /r/AskReddit /r/askscience /r/aww /r/blog /r/books /r/creepy /r/dataisbeautiful /r/DIY /r/Documentaries /r/EarthPorn /r/explainlikeimfive /r/Fitness /r/food /r/funny /r/Futurology /r/gadgets /r/gaming /r/GetMotivated /r/gifs /r/history /r/IAmA /r/InternetIsBeautiful /r/Jokes /r/LifeProTips /r/listentothis /r/mildlyinteresting /r/movies /r/Music /r/news /r/nosleep /r/nottheonion /r/oldschoolcool /r/personalfinance /r/philosophy /r/photoshopbattles /r/pics /r/science /r/Showerthoughts /r/space /r/sports /r/television /r/tifu /r/todayilearned /r/TwoXChromosomes /r/UpliftingNews /r/videos /r/worldnews /r/writingprompts I fit just so!
Check out this multireddit to see what the frontpage looks like now.
It's a lot of extra work for Reddit moderators to deal with the noobs, the trolls, and the spammers.
That's why many subreddits don't want to be default subreddits.
Just found this...
...from this link...
...which has this fun Anchorman gif made by preggit about r/funny and r/askreddit :
5:30 PM May 08 2014