The Many Talents of Kate Upton gif - GQ HD
Adam Rifkin stashed this in High Quality gifs
Thank you fceeviper for making these gifs:
Stashed in: Celebrities, gifs, G4!, @kateupton, Hula Hoop!
Similar to the gifs from the Emily Ratajkowski GQ video:
The Kate Upton gifs are from this GQ video:
Will include some of these gifs below.
The roller coaster is one of the best Gif's I've seen.
Cool. Wait, really? I stash a lot of high quality gifs. What makes that one special?
It just caught my eye, the roller coaster movement, hands in the air, fade from color to black and white, pan forward, maybe also because it's a sideways film of a person on a coaster vs the typical forward view.
I see your point. Cool. Thanks Janill! I'm always looking for more high quality gifs.
Talent #1: Lifeguarding.
12:45 PM May 21 2014