Neil deGrasse Tyson briefly explains just how rich Bill Gates is...
Adam Rifkin stashed this in @neiltyson
From a University of Washington talk in 2011:
Stashed in: Wealth!, Simpsons!, Best Videos, Bill Gates, Mathy, The Simpsons, Wealth
Reddit comments:
Here's a crazy one. Based on the percentage of net worth. CNN Money 2014 puts the average net worth of someone 35-44 years old at 52,000$.
For a 35-44 year old with a net worth of 52k to purchase a 1.35$ soda at the gas station it would equate to about .0026% of their net worth
.0026% of a 79 billion dollar net worth is 1.3 million dollars.
So for Bill Gates, spending $2,000,000 will affect his net worth about as much as buying a soda would for the average person.
Bill Gates could hand every single person on the planet a $5 bill, and he would still have $15,000,000,000.
We could call him "Five Dolla Bill".
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4:46 PM May 22 2014