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Why 3 Google execs have left for Chinese companies in a year

Why 3 Google execs have left for Chinese companies in a year VentureBeat Business by Ruth Reader


Google executives seem to keep leaving for companies based in China.

Last August Hugo Barra left his post at Google as vice president of Android to become VP of cell phone maker Xiaomi Global. In May Baidu snatched up Deep learning guru Andrew Ng, who was leading Google’s Brain project. And last week Alibaba nabbed Jane Penner, who was heading up Google’s Investor Relations department. That’s three employees in a year to leave Google for China’s growing tech sector.

So why did these Googlers leave the pack? There was rumor that Barra might have left because Google founder Sergey Brin had taken up with the project manager’s former flame. But Barra said his move to Xiaomi was a long time in the making.

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The article doesn't really know why they left.

But it speculates the main reasons were money, world domination, and/or creative freedom.

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