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Simply Genius Shower Thoughts With Nick Offerman

Stashed in: Reddit!, Hugs!, Parks and Recreation!, Boy, that escalated quickly., Eyes, Ron Swanson, @nick_offerman, Shower Thoughts

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My pants are tucked into my shirt.

Mother of God.

500 Reddit comments:     

Well that Reddit escalated quickly!!

It really did.

Boy that escalated quickly gif tumblr

I did like this one:

"Every time you blink, your eyelids are giving your eyeballs a hug."

That really is a simply genius thought. He must do a lot of marijuana. 

You've seen the gif / video with him puffing from a bong from his butt right?

I can't believe I just asked that. 

I forgot that I stashed that. 

Sometimes you know me better than I know myself.

nick offerman donkey hat gif Imgur bunny rabbit funny face ron swanson

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