DAYUM DAYUM DAYUM gif + Five Guys video:
Adam Rifkin stashed this in Good Eats!
I am ashamed to admit that I first found this video on 9GAG. I share it on Reddit regularly.
Stashed in: Recommended Products!, Confacimus, Bacon!, gifs, Best Videos, Reaction GIFs!, Sandwich!, High Quality gifs, @badmonkey0001, @icecube, Epic!, DAYUM!
Do you know the difference between a weak burger and a burger of strength?
Watch this dude's review of Five Guys and you'll know that you can talk through the eating of a weak burger.
The music video version of this is also awesome:
Thank you badmonkey0001 for telling me about it:
That bacon is so serious boy!
He has a whole YouTube channel:
Here's a high quality version of the dayum gif:
Thank you jakemrepic for making this gif:
Thank you Crankrune for this gif:
Ice Cube and Chris Tucker concur. DAMN.
High quality version of Ice Cube and Chris Tucker DAMN:
Disregard females, acquire currency:
Will Smith DAMN gifs:
10:02 PM Aug 20 2012