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Artist removes one letter from famous movie titles

Stashed in: Art!, Harry Potter, Montage, Fight Club, Avengers!, Pooh!, Quentin Tarantino, Best of Imgur, Otters!, Robert Downey Jr., Puns!, Film, George Clooney, @nick_offerman, Pulp Fiction!

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Reddit started it.

I couldn't find the Reddit link. :(

Here's the official album from the artist himself:

Thank you!! The artist got 11 golds for this!!

Artist's website:

Artist refers to a Reddit post from 2012 for inspiration:

I did like Beauty and the Beat.

Beauty and the Beat meme Imgur

Fight Cub!

fight cub photo bears Imgur

Pup Fiction!

Pup fiction art Imgur

"Does he LOOK like a BITCH?!?!"



Say woof one more time.

I double dog dare you!

Harry Otter!

Harry Otter art Imgur you're a wizard Harry

Oh Bother Where Art Thou?

Oh Bother, Where Art Thou? meme art Imgur pooh piglet tigger

Okay, officially my favorite.

Mine too! :)

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