This is the kind of chart that shows up in a history textbook, heading a chapter called "Prelude to Revolution"
Joyce Park stashed this in History
This is the kind of chart that shows up in a history textbook, heading a chapter called “Prelude to Revolution.”
Source: Tweet by @OptimistPanda
Stashed in: Economics!, Winner take all., Economics, Rich people get richer.
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Technically, no. History loves UNUSUAL results -- I call it the Journal of Irreproducible Results -- and what is unusual right now is that the American masses have NOT revolted whatsoever. If there are historians in the future, they will be focused on what instruments of social control could be so powerful that millions would willingly acquiesce to their own impoverishment.
Distraction from problems is a time-worn technique to numb pain. And now it's so cheap - be it virtual worlds, or chemicals masquerading as food/medicine. Anesthetics were never so affordable in the old days.
10:43 AM Nov 12 2014