Every minute on the Internet: 240 million emails, 4M Google searches, 2.5M Facebook shares, 48K app downloads, 72 hours new YouTube video
Tina Miller, MA,CFLE stashed this in Internet
Stashed in: Teh Internets, Pandora, Awesome, YouTube!, Email, History of Tech!, Infographics!, Storage!, The Internet, WhatsApp!, the new, Tinder!
This is actually from a year ago: http://domo.com/blog/2014/04/data-never-sleeps-2-0/
The Internet is now almost 3 billion people.
Is anyone aware of a good infographic or even a primary source of raw data that could be used to show the rate at which "data exhaust" is accelerating? e.g. I'd like to find at 3 to 5 data points like this infographic and try to plot it out so that it shows how fast the increase is happening. It's obvious trending upward, but I'm more interested in how fast it is trending upward.
I've been looking for such a thing for a while. Perhaps Mo Data knows.
204,000,000 emails a minute?!? that's nuts!
the pandora one translated into time is rad.
204 million emails a minute is crazy. Ain't nobody got time to read all that.
I'm not sure how to translate the Pandora one?
They have 61,000 x 60 = 3.6 million listeners in any given minute?
yeah, that's what i guess. that's a lot of music going on!
That's a lot of music going on JUST ON PANDORA.
Because it doesn't account for people listening to iTunes, YouTube music, Spotify, radio, etc.
That's kind of mind blowing when you think about it.
However, the Pandora number might be inflated if, say, a restaurant is using Pandora to play music for its customers, since it reaches many people on a single Pandora usage.
So it's actually a sneaky way to (kind of) misrepresent with statistics.
1:41 AM Mar 09 2015