Tumblr talking about Tumblr
Lucas Meadows stashed this in Tumblr
Source: tumbl-con!
Stashed in: Tumblr!, Be yourself., Community, Awesome, gifs, Fight Club, Perfect GIFs!!!, MFW, Boobs!
We're a family & we find it extremely hard to let outsiders in, because Tumblr is the only place where we can all freely fangirl without being judged.
Perhaps more so than most other communities, Tumblr has a tradition of talking about itself on the site. In particular, Tumblr users seem to enjoy (humorously) characterizing themselves and their behavior. It's one of the friendliest communities on the web, and the users seem to value the friendliness of their community.
Even their satire of celebrities is usually good-natured (like the abundant Loki / Avenger gags, though for some reason the actors themselves in real life are even more commonly blogged about). It has some superficial similarities to reddit and 4chan in its use of memes and the age of the community, but I think Tumblr is far more inviting to women and young gay men who are often ridiculed on either of the latter sites (e.g., tits or GTFO).
I've been meaning to start a collection of examples of Tumblr talking about itself for some time now, so I'm beginning that project right here! Eventually I may need a whole stash, but for now I think a single convo will be sufficient.
School starts for me in four days, and I just can’t even:
Which means less time for RP’s:
because you guys are like my family!:
Even if at times it’s a bit one-sided:
or, in some cases:
Just know, that even though I’m dying in school, I’ll always be thinking of you guys:
and I can, and will, stalk your posts and blogs on my phone until I can get back to my lovely, non-restricted wifi at the hotel that we’re in.
Good-natured satire, as self-deprecating as peer-deprecating:
People on Tumblr.
Girls on Tumblr;
Boys on Tumblr;
And I’m just here like;
Source: kdtechnology.tumblr.com
A typical GIF mashup, documenting teenage-y feelings in a distinctly Tumblresque way:
oh mi gosh … WILL GOT A TUMBLR!!
and i have no idea why im making a huge deal about this…
^my reaction right now
but anyways… you know… you should do a following spree Will ;)
Things are just different on Tumblr. Things that are not OK elsewhere feel OK in that safe environment.
Stalking is OK...
Nudity is OK...
Seeing a nude on Tumblr:
Seeing a nude on Facebook
If it wasnt for how much porn is on the site, Tumblr would have a very Pintrest like vibe. Thank god for porn, amirite.
It has a lot of similarities to Pinterest, for sure. The main differences for me is that I like that Tumblr presents content in a feed rather than in a clusterfuck collage, and that Tumblr's community isn't as uptight.
It's certainly a lot different from Facebook, though:
What's that?
The Tumblr? Oh you wouldn't be interested in that.
Source: lolzpicx.tumblr.com
Tumblr is truly a place where creative people can get away from Facebook people.
Where no one has to be bogged down by what their friends think.
Unlike Facebook or even Twitter.
And yes, unlike Pinterest or Quora, no one is uptight on Tumblr.
You can be yourself and do what you want.
This what I picture cybering as
Nick, that pretty much covers it.
Still, Tumblr is freakin filthy.
12:51 PM Sep 15 2012