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20 animals that are likely to become extinct before you die

Stashed in: Ecology!, #kindness, Awesome, Best gifv, Reciprocity

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Nature does not favor the big nose.

The big nose got them this far, didn't it?

We're witnessing the proboscis bell curve.

I wonder if that really is a thing.

I am deeply distressed to see these people going. Can a petition save them? :-( :-( 

World Wildlife Fund does let us adopt some species...

...but not all species. Geege, do you know of anything a person could do to help?

I love that link, it's a great one.  Here's another.


We'll that's embarrassing.  :)

Why is that embarrassing?

I must have forgotten I had an extinction stash.  My stashes are out of control!

Naw, you just have an expansive set of interests. That's a good thing!

My favorite of the 20 animals mentioned is the Quokka. "Quokkas are very friendly marsupial found in a small corner of southwestern Australia. Their kindness partly explains why they are at risk as they have been known to approach dingos and foxes in the hope of making friends."

cute quokka pic photo meme imgur inquisitive

Inquisitive Quokka gif:

More about the Quokka:

So precious!!!

It's not a good strategy to be kind to someone who finds you delicious.


It's a good strategy to be kind to everyone else.

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