Formula for Kickstarter Success: Copious Planning (just like real life)
C Frank0 stashed this in Kickstarter
Stashed in: Kickstarter, Crowdfunding
It seems like the press can’t wait to post depressing articles about how Kickstarter encourages fraud, broken promises, and tears. Today I’d like to take you through a project that shipped — let’s see what we can learn.
Wow, she was VERY organized:
Most important rule is Rule #5: Set realistic limits.
You can support Diana’s future business success by checking out her website at, or her product on kickfollower.
I think kickstarter lowers the threshold of "getting a business running" far too low, allowing "dreamers" to try and fail, whereas in olden times you'd need either to raise money in person or give all your might to the project. This results in many business failures... That would have failed the same (but with less visibility) in "real life"
12:40 PM Sep 25 2012