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Why I Chose The Gun And Then Silicon Valley

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Missed this on Veterans Day, but have YOU interviewed a veteran for a job recently?

No I haven't. 

I missed this article too, but I found informative the TED Talk of General Peter van Uhm, the highest-ranking military commander of The Netherlands.

He spoke about his chosen instrument for making a contribution in our world — the gun:

“When I look around, I see people who want to make a contribution. I see people who want to make a better world, by doing groundbreaking scientific work, by creating impressive works of art, by writing critical articles or inspiring books, by starting up sustainable businesses. And you all have chosen your own instruments to fulfill this mission of creating a better world. Some chose the microscope as their instrument. Others chose dancing or painting or making music like we just heard. Some chose the pen. Others work through the instrument of money.  Ladies and gentlemen, I made a different choice….I chose the gun.”

Hey Joyce, I haven't interviewed anyone lately, but I did help startup this company as an advisor a few years ago– I gave the founder their company name:

They're still doing a pretty good job as well as taking care of our vets... 


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