Why you shouldn’t bother creating a mobile app
Joyce Park stashed this in Tech biz
Stashed in: The Web, Candy Crush!, Awesome, internet, Mobile Web!, Snapchat, Medium, WhatsApp!, Mobile Dev!, Slack
Distribution is king, and distribution is now impossible on mobile. Even for an app that is useful, beautiful, and genuinely needs to be on mobile... you're wasting your time. This is why open web will always win.
Good summary of the Medium post, Joyce.Â
See also "Nobody Wants Your App":
The only mobile app categories that succeed, in no particular order:
- Messaging (SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger, Slack…)
- Calendar
- Maps
- Camera / Photos
- Transportation
- Music
- Social Networks
- News
- Candy Crush
There’s a reason why they are popular on mobile: they are highly contextual and take big advantage of the phones main functionalities, be it geolocation, camera or just voice and sound. They are also aimed at repeated use in small chunks of time. How many times did you open Messenger or your email app today?
9:41 AM Dec 11 2015