50 Iconic Indie Album Covers: The Fascinating Stories Behind The Sleeves
Geege Schuman stashed this in Music
Stashed in: Art!, Music, Rock!, ART, Nirvana!, Music, David Bowie
Iconic! Which is your favorite?
Because high school
Led Zeppelin – IV: As a ‘fuck you’ to the critics who’d put the success of their first three albums down to hype, Led Zeppelin decided to release their fourth untitled. Instead of any words, the cover features a painting singer Robert Plant found in an antiques ship in Reading. The record itself displays four symbols, or runes: one for each band member.
Surprised the following did not make the cut: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houses_of_the_Holy
Perhaps they were only choosing one cover per band?
Diamond Dogs is beautiful.
Yes but not sure what it means.
Which ones are meaningful to you?
The Nirvana cover dangling a dollar in front of a swimming baby exemplifies the temptation of money.
I like that one very much too!
I leaned toward the more abstract images with more oblique symbolism yesterday. :)
Yes I could tell. The beauty of art is that it doesn't have to mean something.
Or it can be full of meaning to just you.
5:49 PM Jan 19 2016