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Evidence for Excess Long-Term Mortality After Treated Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Stashed in: Brain, Awesome, Heart, Neuroscience, Stroke, Brain

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After my subarachnoid hemorrhage, the neurosurgeons told me that my case was "completely resolved" and I should go on to live a long healthy life. But this study, which represents the best research available, says that my odds of dying are at least TWICE that of the overall population and possibly a lot more than that; and oddly enough it might be very premature heart disease that gets me rather than another stroke, even though I had no signs of heart disease when I got sick.

One thing that comes across glaringly in this study is how the American system of medicine makes it so much harder to do this type of research than in many other countries. There is a centralized, and apparently quite reliable, death registry in Finland. Every single person who had a subarachnoid hemorrhage in Eastern Finland from 1977 - 1998 was automatically included in this study, and after up to 22 years only a small number had become unfindable. I don't think any American study could possibly make any such claims.

So OneMind is not collecting data like this?

No, in this country I believe you cannot just study people without a lot of expensive consent-seeking. Also we don't have a central death database or even a standard cause of death system... I believe it's all done on a per-county basis.

It seems like it would be very useful for America if someone could solve the expensive consent seeking problem. 

Also, what's the connection to heart disease? That the vascular system is affected?

They're not sure if the aneurysm is a cause or a symptom of cardiovascular problems!

The interesting thing for me is that cerebral aneurysm patients are seen by NEUROLOGY if it's not a crisis, and neurosurgery if it is. There is never any intervention by cardiology despite the fact that aneurysms are fundamentally diseases of the circulatory system rather than the nerves.

Yeah that's unclear to me too. I'm not even sure how they'd test that.

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