41% Of Harvard Computer Science majors are women.
Adam Rifkin stashed this in Women
Stashed in: @cjc, Infographics!, women, Harvard, Illusion of Choice
It's inevitable: kudos to the folks helping to make this happen from the bottom to the top.
Personally, I believe it's just a generational issue. When my generation are executives not just at startups, but at Fortune 500 cos., universities, and in politics -- in 30-40 years -- I think leadership and entrepreneurship in this country will accurately reflect our nations demographics.
In the meantime, how do we best encourage progress?
The medium is the message. See: movies, music, and television. Katniss Everdeen is a good start. And in this way I see Christine's frustration with Pinterest. But it's not Pinterest, it's the six corporations who control 90% of what we see, hear, and read every day...
Pandawhale will become the 7th! : P
Ha! Not even close.
4:58 PM Oct 03 2012