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Mitt Romney and Big Bird gifs

Re-stashed in: Jon Stewart, Montage, Mitt Romney, BRO!, Royals!, Clinton, Right in the childhood.

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Big Bird Hope

Mitt Romney put Big Bird on a performance plan. Yes, that actually happened.



Let's hope Mitt Romney only wants to fire Big Bird rather than kill him...


Obama got bin Laden. I'll get Big Bird!

Obama got bin Laden. I'll get Bird Bird!

Why... so... serious?

Mitt Romney Joker

Can we start calling Mitt Romney Guy Smiley?

mitt romney big bird

Moving along...


Now you're just some birdie that I used to know.

Now you're just some birdie that I used to know.

Mitt Romney doesn't care about Big Bird.


If Romney wins, Big Bird dies. You don't want to kill Big Bird, do you?


I weep for the future...


"I have a 62-point plan to eliminate Big Bird..."

big bird mitt romney

Ari Fleischer has been named First Lieutenant in Big Bird elimination...


Does Mitt Romney have to do all his dirty work himself?

Mitt Romney shoots Big Bird

Awesome find on Reddit.

Mitt Romney is so OG. "Don't taze me bro!"

I like Big Birds and I cannot lie!

Oppa Gangnam Style with Mitt Romney and Big Bird

Haters gonna hate.

Whenever I was at a point where I thought I was clearly outtweeted and outclassed by my hard-hitting politico friends, I simply invoked the name of Big Bird. Budget? Big Bird. Role of govt? Big Bird. Trickle down economics? Big Bird. In that way, it was less like a 5 year old trying to play football with the varsity team--you're going to get flattened--and more like being the annoying kid who will probably get locked in a gym locker. Best to outflank the big guns:)

I figured, if the Republicans can just shout REAGAN over everyone, I, a moderate, can say BIG BIRD. Awesome. Thanks, Governor.

Don't worry, Dawn. Hillary Clinton has the bird and is moving him to a safe house...


Mitt Romney flying a plane and bombing Big Bird:

Not sure if that's Big Bird or The Queen.

big bird meme

Dawn, I had not seen that. Hilarious!

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