Mitt Romney and Big Bird gifs
Adam Rifkin stashed this in Sesame Street
Re-stashed in: Jon Stewart, Montage, Mitt Romney, BRO!, Royals!, Clinton, Right in the childhood.
Whenever I was at a point where I thought I was clearly outtweeted and outclassed by my hard-hitting politico friends, I simply invoked the name of Big Bird. Budget? Big Bird. Role of govt? Big Bird. Trickle down economics? Big Bird. In that way, it was less like a 5 year old trying to play football with the varsity team--you're going to get flattened--and more like being the annoying kid who will probably get locked in a gym locker. Best to outflank the big guns:)
I figured, if the Republicans can just shout REAGAN over everyone, I, a moderate, can say BIG BIRD. Awesome. Thanks, Governor.
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