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Trumpton Creator’s Family Says Radiohead’s “Burn The Witch” Video Violates Copyright

Stashed in: Copying, Stop Motion, Radiohead

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The stop-motion animation in Radiohead’s video for A Moon Shaped Pool single “Burn The Witch” looks a whole lot like the art style used in the 1960s British children’s show Trumpton. The show’s characters and sets both have lookalikes in the video, and it turns out that the family of Trumpton’s creator isn’t happy that their kids’ show has been turned into a claymation Wicker Man. William Mollett, the son-in-law of 95-year-old Trumpton creator Gordon Murray, spoke to The Daily Mail yesterday to say that the resemblance constitutes a copyright violation. “Radiohead should have sought our consent as we consider this a tarnishing of the brand,” Mollett said. “It is not something we would have authorised. We consider that there is a breach of copyright and we are deciding what to do next.” He also added that he would not show the video to Murray, who would be “appalled.”


It's an homage!

I guess because what Radiohead did is not for kids.

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