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Jack Dorsey doesn't go away mad. He just goes away.

Stashed in: Twitter!, Tumblr!, @dickc

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This weekend Twitter employees told the New York Times that they don't want to work with Jack Dorsey because he cannot make up his mind and he is "difficult to work with".

Today Jack announced on his Tumblr that he's reducing his role at Twitter: "We haven't talked about this publicly because it's not what people using Twitter every day care about."

He's right. We care about Twitter's service being fast and reliable. That's it.

Jack's Tumblr is a fun read:

What do you like about it? That it gives insight into how OCD Jack is?

Tweet checklist

A pre-flight checklist before you hit the “Tweet” button.

1. Has correct spelling, grammar, & abbreviations.

Common and friendly SMS abbreviations are OK. Look to @MargaretAtwood for best practices.

2. Contains a URL.

Tweets should be clickable, leading to an image, video, or page describing more.

3. Uses an active voice.

Communication that is direct and frank is the simplest to understand (and remember).

4. Uses a friendly and approachable tone.

Don’t be bland! But don’t overdo it.

5. Encourages interaction.

Encourage the reader to take action immediately. Click a link, view a picture or video, retweet and share, or answer a question (e.g. “What do you use @Square for?”)

6. References other Twitter accounts (if applicable).

Seek out official accounts to link to with @ syntax. If it forms a greater name, make it fit (e.g. “@Jack Dorsey”, “@VirginAmerica Airlines”).

7. Retweetable.

Keep Tweets short so people can Retweet them without editing when retweeting with “RT”.

That's pretty tight.

I like it because it's accurate. I bet the most viral tweets follow that description/checklist.

The most viral tweets I've seen are short and have no URL.

Part of me thinks it's sad that we have to teach people the rules of tweeting.

But I guess no one is born knowing how to tweet.

You can take the @jack out of Twitter, but you can't do jack about the damage he's already done!

Costolo puts his foot down


I need a hug...

shrek donkey I need a hug gif

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