Upworthy Raises $4M for Aggregating Virals That Aren't Cat Videos - Liz Gannes - Media - AllThingsD
Christina Wodtke stashed this in hope
Stashed in: @lizgannes, Upworthy!
Other big recent Upworthy hits have been on topics like gay marriage, including Mitt Romney Accidentally Confronts A Gay Veteran; Awesomeness Ensues and If This Video Makes You Uncomfortable, Then You Make Me Uncomfortable. (The site prides itself on its attention-grabby headlines.)
You raise a good question. You can package the same video two different ways to gain the viral-ness. Do you know of anyone packaging things differently by audience? You think that would be golden.
That's I think what Upworthy does since I can see their videos on YouTube -- and therefore in many places besides Upworthy.com ...
Upworthy is a strange product. It's essentially a mailing list that pushes out a few videos a day, even though I could consume those videos anywhere. It's optimized for sharing on Facebook. The Tumblr and Twitter sharing is terrible, and they removed the Pinterest sharing all together.
9:12 AM Oct 18 2012