Making Risk-Taking Riskier Will Hurt Startups
Geege Schuman stashed this in IN A PERFECT WORLD
“What we need to do in this country is make it a softer cushion for failure. Because what they say is the job creators need more tax cuts and they need a bigger payoff on the risk that they take. … But what about the risk of, you’re afraid to leave your job and be an entrepreneur because that’s where your health insurance is? … Why aren’t we able to sell this idea that you don’t have to amplify the payoff of risk to gain success in this country, you need to soften the damage of risk?”
It is really messed up that health insurance is tied to employers.
It would be wonderful to decouple that somehow.
Yes, it would. So would bringing down the cost of healthcare. Anectdotally, when my sister was living in St. Lucia and accidentally cut her hand, the emergency room visit, six stitches, antibiotics and follow-up exam cost $15.
That's amazing.
How can healthcare costs be brought down without some form of government intervention?
Or can only the government do this?
I don't see how anyone can do this.
10:10 AM Oct 25 2012