What is the proper use of a thesaurus?
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A thesaurus is NOT for poetry, says poet Mark Doty:
If you write a poem with the aid of a thesaurus, you will almost inevitably look like a person wearing clothing chosen by someone else. I am not sure that a poet should even own one of the damn things.
This Lapham's Quarterly essay says what a thesaurus is actually useful for:
A thesaurus, as we have seen, can mine rich usage data from textual corpora to paint a picture of how words are used in actual context. It can create new spatial metaphors for semantic connections. Or it can add a historical dimension to trace how words related to a given concept have ebbed and flowed over the centuries.
Contextualizing. Connecting. Adding historical dimension.
There you have it.
While I'm asking, what's another word for thesaurus?
12:36 PM Apr 04 2012